The Data Analytics platform for your  greenhouse

The software that meets the needs of your greenhouse by improving data collection, analysis, and forecasting processes, leveraging AI-based computer vision models.

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Data at your service

Control your greenhouse with a click

Artificial intelligence at your service

With G.A.I.A (General Artificial Intelligence for Agriculture), your digital assistant, you receive simple answers to complex questions.

Monitor all the values of your farm in real-time. Receive Smart Notifications when abnormal values are recorded and check the system's efficiency.

Integrato con i tuoi sistemi di gestione

Easy. Smart. Efficient.

Our System Connect to Anything. Link any external applications like Enterprise Resource Planning software, inventory management software and climate control systems. In addition to preventing issues related to sensor malfunctions, our Prediction System offers an accurate estimate of monthly production. This allows you to plan in advance the management of customers and large-scale distribution (GDO).

Carbon & Water footprint

Calculate the carbon and water footprint of your greenhouse with unprecedented ease. By integrating your data, we prepare a customized Sustainability Report that helps you meet regulatory and market demands. Participate in the creation of carbon credits and earn by reducing your emissions.

We provides you with the tools to monitor and reduce the carbon and water footprints, while ensuring compliance with national and European sustainability standards.

Carbon & Water footprint

Calculate the carbon and water footprint of your greenhouse with unprecedented ease. By integrating your data, we prepare a customized Sustainability Report that helps you meet regulatory and market demands. Participate in the creation of carbon credits and earn by reducing your emissions.

Pest and Diseases

Upload a photo of your diseased plant (Basil, leafy green, tomatoes) and let our model assess the risk level and identify the disease. Act promptly with our diagnoses to safeguard the health of your crop.



Less water reduction
Higher productivity


Is the Agrisky platform really free?

On which devices can I use the platform?

Am I required to purchase the specific sensors for your platform?

Is an internet connection required to use the platform?